Default Tab feature not available in Coveo Atomic Framework.
Default tab feature is not available in Coveo atomic framework. While going through the Coveo documentation, I came across an article which talks about the custom component available through the CDN link. With the help of CDN, we can use custom tab components. By using this Tab component CDN, we have the following limitations. 1- We can't customize the tab component to meet the additional business requirements, as it's already built and hosted. 2- Lot's of additional conditioning features was available in JSUI framework Tab components, which are not supported in this Atomic custom Tab Component. Any suggestions or workaround to resolve the above use cases.21Views0likes1CommentSwitching Between List and Grid View in Coveo Atomic Search
This article describes how to create a custom component to switch between list and grid view for your Coveo Atomic search results. Coveo doesn't offer a built-in toggle component to switch between list and grid layouts. However, you can achieve this functionality using JavaScript (JS) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Here's a step-by-step guide:Define Result Templates: Create two separate result list templates, one for grid view and another for list view. Assign Class Names: Assign appropriate class names to your <atomic-result-list> components. For example, use "list-view" for the list view template and "grid-view" for the grid view template. Create a Custom Button Component: Develop a custom component that displays buttons for switching between list and grid views. Implement Button Functionality: Use the onclick attribute for each button to trigger a JavaScript function when clicked. Inside the function, target the relevant <atomic-result-list> element using document.querySelector with the class name you assigned earlier (e.g., list_view = document.querySelector(".list-view")). Show/Hide Views with CSS:When the "List" button is clicked, set the display style of the list_view element to "block" (visible) and grid_view element to "none" (hidden) using: JavaScript = "block"; = "none"; Implement similar logic for the grid button, showing the grid view and hiding the list view. Set Default View:Include logic to display the desired default view (list or grid) on initial page load. Benefits: Users can switch between list and grid layouts based on their preference. Improved user experience by providing more control over the search results display.19Views1like0CommentsChallenges of Implementing Folding Structure within the Coveo Atomic Framework
When ever we are using Coveo atomic folding structure, following are the few challenges we faced 1. We've encountered an issue with the "show more" and "show less" buttons where clicking on "show more" causes the "show less" button to appear above the folding structure, which is not a good behavior for end user. 2. Another issue we've observed is with the displaying of the number of child results. when we are updating the component to display only to two child results. But, for some parent results we are seeing three items as an child. Any assistance on identifying solutions or resolutions to address this default behavior observed within the Coveo Atomic framework.13Views0likes1CommentFilter results on a specific date range with dates converted to Unix timestamps.
Unfortunately the Vertex Search filtering functionality is pretty limited at the moment. Here is the documentation for how to implement filtering using the API. You'll notice there is no built-in support for date filtering currently, but there is support for filtering on numerical fields. Workaround: One workaround I can think of right now is to ingest documents with their dates converted to Unix timestamps (integers). In the front-end of the application you could provide a normal date picker to provide a date range, and then in the backend convert this to unix time and perform numerical filtering. Example: "Jan 12 2023 to Jan 12 2024" would be equivalent to a unix time filter of between 1673481600 and 1705017600. In Vertex Search this would be applied as a filter in the syntax: date_field_name: IN (1673481600, 1705017600)19Views0likes0Comments