Knowledge Base Article

About Inline Replies & Threading

Inline replies as well as the threaded display style both help organize replies; this makes the context of each reply more visually clear.

  • When you reply to the main post, it is displayed inline with the main post.
  • When you respond to another reply within the discussion, your post is shown indented underneath that reply.
  • You will be able to sort a thread by Most Liked, Oldest or Newest.

This helps to keep the conversation context relevant, allowing other users to see where your contribution fits into the conversation.

Threaded Topic Display

If a thread is solved, you will see the accepted solution(s) right below the original post. This helps bring the relevant information to you first instead of having to search through the thread for the solution(s).

Replying to a Topic

When you click Reply to the topic, the reply box opens directly below the post. Additionally, you can utilize the toolbar to format your reply. 

After you post your reply, the reply is displayed inline with the topic. 

Reply to a Reply

You can now Reply to responses made to the original post. Replies to the main topic are always displayed inline with it. Replies made to other responses will be displayed indented below the reply. 

When you click Reply to an existing response, the reply box opens directly below it, and you will have access to the toolbar to format your own reply.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
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